
Showing posts from October, 2009

Britto Event

So about a week and a half ago I had the chance to help out with an event at the Mandarin. This was great because usually I am very involved with the corporate side of events and not as much the social side of events. This was a wedding show to bring potential brides to our hotel and show off our space. The theme of the show was Romero Britto, the whole place was decorated with his artwork. It was centered around Britto weddings and we even had a room with a few baby shower ideas. It was beautiful and a huge success they unveiled to Britto his own personal "Britto Wedding Cake" it was incredible and also Britto unveiled to his guests a wedding dress. The dress was made by a student in Miami as part of a competition. This event will go down in the books as one of the best social events yet! Please look at the link below, its a slideshow of some of the pictures it is the only way you can get a feel of what the place looked like! I update mo...

Sorry for the Delay

Sorry for the delay in between blogs. I have found that my blog has taken a back seat to my life lately. I have been in a funk. It’s interesting I really do enjoy my job but the hours have been much longer lately and that leaves me tired. When I get home from working 6-4 I feel like I just want to go to bed, and if I stay awake we eat dinner and I am so tired that I am in bed by 9. This is just an adjustment period and I am trying to prove myself at this new job so of course I do whatever they need (I stay late and come early and only take one day off a week). I think it’s just been this past week that has been particularly hard for me, I worked Sunday-Friday waking up early every day, then got one day off and now I am back to Sunday to Friday again. So when I don’t have enough time to recharge and get in the right state of mind I get grumpy and depressed and I know Zach feels that because he has to deal with me every day. Which who better than Zach to know how to make me laugh and ge...

Race for a Cure in Brickell

When Zach and I woke up this morning this is what we saw! The race was right outside our window. There were thousands running. We went down and watched for a little bit! Juneau was like a celebrity I mean he honestly gets SO much attention. The cop actually gave us some advice, he said be careful they like to steal them down here. Ha I was like awesome! We ate breakfast and watched TBS movies all morning. It has been so relaxing. I also made a font out of my handwriting, and starting picking wedding photos for our book. So all in all very productive so far. Enjoy the pics!! Loves

Happy Birthday Olivia

So today is my baby sister's 19th Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I talked to her and she seems to be doing very well, she has a 12 person dinner planned tonight. So lots of friends and fun. I wish I could be there :) It's hard to believe that she is almost in her 20's I guess its from watching all our old home videos but it seems just like yesterday that we were 10 and awkward. She is an amazing person and I know she is going to do great things in life. So Happy Birthday little one, make it count. In other news- I had my first bad day at work on Wednesday. It is stupid but apparently the banquet director thinks I am trying to get him fired or that I am out to get him. I find this out from another source first thing when I come in on Wednesday. I don't do well with people not liking me, but I have done nothing wrong. I have just done my job but apparently that has gotten him into trouble. I don't know. I feel torn, clearly I am trying to do a good job so that I can prove ...

Like Promised

Official Picture tour of our apartment... So you can feel like you are here when you talk to me :) This is the kitchen/dining room. The dining room table was a gift from Zach's grandmother and we love it. It is the perfect wood. Although the seats are bright yellow but its vintage and I am so into vintage lately! This is our living room area, same red couches from Zach's college apartment and that is his painting that was in his bedroom at home and in his apartment in Auburn. We bought new pillows and new lamps to spruce it up! :) Next the bathroom. The green was already painted which I liked and then we added the blue accent color with all the towels and such. The double sinks are a plus and the under counter space allows us to keep it clean on top. Our bedroom is my favorite room. We painted the wall orange and Hannah's artwork decorates our whole room. The quote says "Love Conquers All" I also love the white comforter it is very serene and besides the night sta...

Writer's Block... Over

I feel like I have been in a blogging rut and disappointing all my loyal readers out there! So I am going to make more of an effort this time to tell you about what has been going on in Zach and I's life lately. Zach has a big paper due Friday, so this whole week he has been studying and researching in order to get it done. He is doing a great job and the paper is almost complete. I can know start to notice the signs when he is seriously studying. Here they are in bullet form (for easy reading) When I come home the TV is off He usually will have papers all around him He doesn't clean at all (this is a huge one for him) He drinks about double the amount of Mountain Dew each day He doesn't look at his phone while at school AT ALL The last one has a funny story attached. Yesterday while I was at work I was trying to figure out if I could get the family rate for GaGa (Zach's grandmother) who is coming into town this weekend. Well I texted Zach about 20 times throughout the ...
Menu this Week Monday: Marinated Chicken, Roasted Red Potatoes and Salad Tuesday: Cabbage and Bacon Pork Chops with Bread Crumb Tomatoes Wednesday: Home made Pizza and salad Thursday: Pasta Night Yum Friday: Tomatillo Chicken with Potatoes Get excited Pictures to come!

Busy Sunday

Today I have been busy cleaning and rearranging my closet. I had a to-do list a mile long and I only got a few things done, but the apartment is deep cleaned, the closet is organized and the dinner plan for the week is done. Still no pictures of the apartment because by the time it was clean it was dark and the apartment looks way better in light so hopefully tomorrow :) This week has been pretty basic, I have been working and Zach has been going to school. I feel so rested after this lazy weekend. I went to the pool yesterday and watched football all day. Auburn won making us 5-0 and Miami beat Oklahoma which was huge. So a good football day overall. Today Zach had to take a midterm, it was his first Law School Test and although the grade doesn't count it will be a good way to judge how well he is doing and to get to see what a test looks like. He thought it went well, he said it was very open-ended so there really isn't much way to tell. We are pretty slow next week so, I wil...

More to Come...

This is what you have to look forward to in my blog... 1. A tour of the apartment 2. To be caught up on what has been happening the past week. 3. My sweet dinner menu for this week All coming to you today... at some point