
Showing posts from November, 2009


Wow! It has been a while since my last update. I have been busy with work and then I spent 5 days at home for the Thanksgiving Holiday. It was so great to be home and see family and friends. Zach and I had 2 wonderful turkey dinners and we are so blessed to be surrounded by those who love us and truly care. Last night I decorated our apartment and its all Christmas-y :) I had a hard shocking day at work so this is all I can muster right now. I will take pictures of the apartment to post tomorrow. Maybe more about my day later when it makes more sense to me.... Loves

Time Flies

It's amazing that I haven't updated in about 10 days it feels like just yesterday that I wrote the previous blog. The past 2 weeks have flown by and also dragged on, I know that is confusing but it is hard to explain. I mean I have literally been SO busy at work that I can't even begin to describe it to you, so in that sense the days dragged on. Not to mention that we have had some interesting people to make it even more crazy (like literally mental). But then I think that November is almost over and it seems like just yesterday I was trying to prepare myself for this crazy month that is now gone. Sorry if that makes NO sense at all. All I know is that in 6 days I will be on a plane to Atlanta, I am so thankful for the 5 days off from work and to get to see Family and Friends I can't wait!!! Zach is doing well- he has finals coming up so he will go into study mode soon. This will be very stressful for him. The final will be his one and only grade in a lot of his classes...

Oh SNAP...

Reading Carrie's Blog made me realize that I too have A LOT to be thankful for! It is always good to think about all the things that make you smile especially when you are having a rough day or week or month :) I would give the list but I just will let you wonder until Thanksgiving when I will give my official list. (Don't worry Scott you will be on there somewhere ;) This weekend was a lot of fun. Friday I was dead tired after a LONG week... And I came home to my wonderful husband cleaning like crazy. It made me so happy, because I knew I needed to clean and do laundry this weekend but I also knew that I didn't feel like it. Zach spoils me and he read my mind. He also did all the laundry and even made a hang line to dry clothes in our bedroom which was very fun-looking probably especially to those looking in! Saturday, we watched football and hung out. This was our 3 month mark of marriage (still going strong). My sweet dad said we could have dinner on him, so we of cours...

November is Here

Thats what we say at work at least everyday. November which has been anxiously awaited is finally here. This means a few things Miami is hitting its peak season The hotel is slammed packed everyday Every week we have lots of groups! Early mornings and late afternoons/ overtime Lastly- Everyone is sleepy So far we have been very busy, it is good. I have really enjoyed my role and I think it is even better the busier we are. I try to stay as organized as possible in order to make it from day to day. This week we have 8 groups in the hotel so needless to say there is always something to do. As far as personally I am feeling better, my mood from my post a few weeks ago has faded. I think I have been too busy to think about it. I am REALLY excited about going home for Thanksgiving and that is what is driving me to get through the days. This weekend was Halloween and also Ashley (Chris' GF) came into town. So Thursday we met them in Boca to go to Uncle Julio's for dinner, I freaking ...