Must Update...

All I want to do is go to sleep... But in good conscience I can't not update my blog. It has been a few weeks and I can't fall behind anymore.

I guess things have been pretty hectic these past few weeks. I traveled home to throw my bestest friend a bachelorette party and bridal shower. That was so much fun. I went home on Wednesday and stayed until Sunday. The Bachelorette was fun, we stayed in a hotel in Atlanta, Ate a great dinner, Drank too much Champagne, and threw a little lingerie shower. The next day came early and La and I were slow in making it to The Smith's where the next party was to happen. I won't lie to you I tried to call it quits a few times throughout the day, but  thanks to Lauren and her pep talks we ended up throwing a fabulous party for the bride and groom to be. I am sure you can tell embedded in this paragraphs are stories untold, and that is correct. In reality this whole weekend was deserving of its own post, but on second thought those memories may be better left as memories :)

My co-host! We rocked it! 
Me and the beautiful (SUPER skinny) Bride to Be.

We headed home Sunday- and I jumped into a crazy hectic work week. High season is starting up again which is great, but it means long days. So I was extremely tired from my crazy week. Zach and I were planning on spending the weekend watching season 6 of The Office, but that night my mom called to inform me that my Great Grandmother (you may remember her from my previous post) had passed away. At 98 she lived a really wonderful life. Leaving 7 children, 24 grandchildren, 44 great-grandchildren and 12 great great grandchildren. Her legacy definitely lives on. * as a side note I read 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper, if you are ever struggling with the loss of a family member I found this book very comforting and helpful. Its a quick read and it is based on an amazing true story.

So Zach and I flew home on the next plane to Atlanta, where I stayed until Monday night. Then flew back to Miami (getting in at midnight) and then heading to work the next day. Another long week ensued. This was a hard week for me too, because a co-worker in the office whom I have gotten really close with is switching departments. I know this isn't the end of the world- as she will still be in the company. So we sent her off on Friday with a little going away party and then a happy hour after work. Its bittersweet for me, but I am really happy for her and the new direction her career is taking.

This weekend it was nice to stay around the house- although we will be flying out on Thursday again. But this time for the MeGahee/Olsen wedding extravaganza weekend! I am so excited and honored to be in Carrie's wedding and I can't wait. I know she is so excited, and I love when two people who are meant to be end up together.

So as you can see I have been quite the busy bee.

Now back to finishing Carrie and Zach's Rehearsal dinner video (don't worry Carrie its going to be amazing!)



  1. We did rock it! And I know you wouldn't have quit even without pep talks!! You were my saving grace for the weekend and this past weekend we showed up again!!

    I am so sad to hear about your Great-Grandmother, but you are right that her legacy certainly lives you.


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