Radio Lollipop

This week was rough. There wasn't one distinct moment that made it worse than other weeks, just as a whole it felt long and very tiring. Although it was sprinkled with good moments here and there. One of those was Thursday night when I got to join 5 of my other Mandarin Colleagues at Radio Lollipop.

Radio Lollipop is a radio station located inside Miami Children's Hospital. It opens 4 nights a week and it really is a wonderful thing. Basically it staffs volunteers each night. These people give up 5 or more hours a week to bring a little bit of joy to a few sick children. The way it works: There is an activity each night- for example on Thursday Mandarin brought the activity and supplies which was to make Fans out of construction paper. After all the volunteers are briefed on how to make the activity and their supply baskets are stocked off we go. 3 of us to each "wing" of the hospital. I was chosen for the cancer wing. Once you arrive you go door to door and ask the kids or their parents if they want to participate in the activity those who oblige are given the supplies and a short tutorial on how to do it. Then 45 minutes later we go back to each room and pick up the activity. There are 5 winners chosen from each wing. And these 5 win a toy.

The whole time the team is on the floor there is another team taking song requests in the studio and playing trivia games. The kids can tune in on their TVs in their room! As I bet you can guess this program really touched my heart. And even though, as stated before, I had a rough week this really puts things in prospective. As you go room to room and see kids ranging from 8 months to 14 years old- and the parents who look tired and worried. And to see the kids' faces when you bring them a $5 toy! It really does warm your heart and make you forget all the "problems" you are having.

This is a really great program and something I would love to do on a more regular basis, it is something me and Zach are talking about doing. I would just love to be a part of something that is such a great cause and maybe make a little difference in someone's day.

So below are a few pictures from the event. None of the kids, as we have to protect their privacy!

If you aren't already, think about what you can do in your local area to volunteer! There is always a little extra time! And the rewarding feeling you get is well worth it :)



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