Forever Changed
I am back... By Popular Demand!
I have been in Panama City Beach this past week for The Walk which is North Point's summer church camp. It was a truely amazing time. I loved The Walk as a high schooler and to come back and lead 9th grade girls was a treat.
Michelle was my high school small group leader, I was in her first group and now these girls are her 3rd group. It was so amazing to spend time with her, and for us to talk about old times.
I also love the girls in thier group- they are such great individuals and I am excited to see how they grow and change in the next four years. I grow so close to them the past 4 days it was so sad to leave them.
I have to stop here for a shout out to my new friend Hope she is literally the most hilarious person I ever met. We laughed all weekend. I could tell you story after story but I am sure that they wouldn't translate over blogger world.
Jessica is the other co-leader, she is also amazing and was always keeping us and the girls on track. I know that her Michelle and Hope are going to be an amazing threesome for these girls.
It was just so great to be back with my whole church community- there are so many people I know from my many years at NPCC. Also the theme this week was Forever Changed. Basically describing once you know Jesus' love in your life you will be forever changed. I thought it was great and I know that it got through to a lot of the girls in our group.
I returned to Atlanta on Wednesday and had dinner with Best Friend Carrie! Whom I miss so much I can't stand it. We caught up on all her wedding details, which is getting so close. I ate dinner with her my sister and my mom. And then they dropped me at the airport and I flew home to MIA to see my hubby who I missed so much. It was a great vacay- even though I got minimal sleep.
A few other Notes:
1. Please say a little prayer for Gaga (Zach's grandmother) she had a stroke on Monday- we are expecting a full recovery but she will be in rehibilitation for 2-3 weeks.
2. My Hubby happens to be extremely smart (I already was convinced of this) BUT Top 5% of his class after the first year of Law School. Walked on to Law Review. And Highest grade in Legal Research and Writing. MAN! He is putting those law school kids to shame.
3. P90X is going great. Zach and I have both lost weight this Sunday we will be done with the first full month! Only 60 more days to go.
4. This pic is of the flowers Zach bought me. They were home when I got back from the airport. He is just the best.
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY !! Be Safe and thankful that we live in a independant country!
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