Its Been a While...

So I know it has been a while since my last fab post. So what have I been up to you ask? Well nothing really stands out.

Basically Miami feels a lot like I think Hell might feel. So we don't go out much, I walk to work and by the time I get there I am so hot it takes me a good 20 minutes to cool down. And I hear it only gets worse- So I am not looking forward to that.
Other Things that are happening: Zach and I started P90X we are on day 10. I really love it- definatly takes a lot of time as each workout is atleast an hour. But we took before pics and everything- after out 30, 60 or 90 days I may post them (depending on the improvement)
Also Z and I are working on an anniversary trip Aug 7th is quickly approaching- I am super excited maybe Boston we are still working out the details though.
Ok so I have read 2 books lately that I would like to speak on
1. Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok - A true story about an immigrant mother and daughter who move to NY from China. Actually an amazing book you won't be able to put it down
2. Sh*t my Dad Says by Justin Helpburn - This book is hilarious, its pretty short so it won't take you too long to read through- for any of us who have crazy fathers. haha I am still laughing just thinking about it.
You guys know me and I love to read so let me know if you have any good suggestions.
That's all for now I promise to update again soon :)


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