As Seen on TV

Well there are a few things to catch you up on since my last post- so let's get started.

As most of you who are close to Z and I know we have a weakness for things that are "Seen on TV" it's kind of our guilty pleasure. As a little background info we have tried all of the following (don't judge): Mighty Hooks, Sham-Wow, Bump It, Kinoki Foot Pads, Smooth Away, Barry' s Boot Camp DVD's and Aqua Globes to name a few. To be honest we are most always disappointed or freaked out (foot pads) But we love how cheesy the commercials are and we have to try it as more of a joke than anything. So the other day Zach brought me home the Perfect Brownie Pan. So of course I had to try it by making brownies. The pan worked actually pretty well the only issue we had was trying to get the divider out as it was stuck to the brownies. You can judge for your self by the video! But since I can't eat the brownies (because of the fast) I took some to work and they were a big hit.

The next big and exciting thing is that Zach and I finally invested in some outdoor furniture. Our apartment is pretty small but 1/3 of the sq. ft is the deck which has remained vacant for the past 5 1/2 Months. We didn't want to settle on something, but we didn't want to spend to much either. So we got lucky on Sunday we were in Target and we found this great furniture and it was on sale! (Elizabeth, you know how I Love Target) So now our deck looks amazing and we have been sitting out there every night its been really great. My dad is coming next week and he is going to bring some planters for me so I can start by planting some beautiful flowers- then if I get good I will try and herb garden :)

Me and Juneau taking a nap - as you can see we added the coffee table!

Thats the bulk of what's going on in MIA- I have been super busy at work we have an Ultra VIP group in this week and I have been running around like a crazy person. Every night when I get home my feet are swollen and my body feels like I ran a marathon all day. On the bright side everything has gone well so far and hopefully they will feel generous tomorrow before they leave.

Today is also the last day of my fast, I think I did a pretty good job with it especially at work which was hard to do. There were times I stretched the rules but all in all it was a good cleanse and I feel good. I am going to continue with it- just not as strictly and add a few things in moderation. Like Chocolate!

As a side note I am still reading The Happiness Project, and like I said before I highly recommend it. It has given me so many ideas on self improvement and how to make the most out of your life! (It's a lot like Eat, Pray, Love)

Well thats all I have; time for me to go to bed- Good Night :)



  1. Hey lady! I still need the names of the authors of those two books!!

  2. Yes! Target clearance is the best! It looks great, Emily!


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