A Little Swim with a Dolphin or a Camel Ride
No worries this post will be much shorter than the last. As I am only covering one day as opposed to 7 days.

I went into work today at 6:00AM, so I woke up at 4:50AM which was awesome, but actually for someone who hates to get up early I didn't mind so much. I mean I can do it. I even used our (well really its just mine) coffee pot and tonight I am going to program it to make the coffee at a certain time in the morning. OMG I am so excited about that (it's the little things). So as you figured out I have to be a work early again in the morning.
Well the one good thing about getting to work so early is leaving early, although that didn't work out as well as planned today. The morning started a little crazy, we have 2 groups in house and I feel like it is busy, but I hear that this is nothing compared to October (honestly I am a little nervous). All day I basically ran back and forth between paperwork and my meeting planner. I mean talk about going above and beyond I manually blew up 40 balloons for one meeting planner, I don't know how much better it gets.
All in all I was very busy with only a few minutes to breathe for a minute. When my boss got in she asked me if I had plans after work, I said no even though secretly I just wanted to come home and take a nap! Then she asked me quite an unusual question "would you like to swim with the dolphins after work?" hmm I of course said yes because I was too intrigued.
Side story: Zach texted me and let me know that there were camel rides going on at UM. At first I thought he was just messing around with me, but in fact there were camels and rides going on as you can see from this picture. How about some law school and a camel ride?

I later found out more details, the sales department was taking us to the Sea Aquarium on Key Biscayne to swim with the dolphins, this is a fairly new adventure and they wanted us to experience it so that we could sell it to our clients. Well I thought, this is a great job perk!
So at about 2:45PM Kelly, my boss, and I left and she stopped by my apartment so that I could grab my suit then we spent 10 minutes searching for an ATM which isn't as easy a task in Miami, we finally found one and I had to jump out of the passenger seat and run to it with Kelly's card, parking was $8. So we arrived a few minutes late and joined our group. After we signed the waivers they gave us lovely wetsuits, actually it was the most unattractive thing I put on maybe ever. And I think mine was a little small. After we were dressed and ready to go we had to sit, which is hard to do in a tight wetsuit, through an orientation. After that was over we got into the tank.
Our dolphin's name was Aquarius, he was 7 and very cute. He was a little temperamental, but all in all did a good job. We got pictures which I will post soon. I gave him a kiss and hug and a high-five. It was amazing how well trained they are. I kinda wanted one, but then not really. The water was yucky though and so I was glad to get out, but it was an amazing experience. It also probably cost like $100 per person but it was free for us which was SO nice.
So that was fun, then I made it home at 5:30PM which made my work day 11 hours! I felt bad because I had such good intentions of actually getting a lot of chores done, but sadly that did not happen. I got home and made dinner. Our Omaha meat was suppose to arrive today but it did not, although we did finally get a package that they front desk has had for almost 2 weeks! Ahh frustrating. So since we had no meat I ended up making steak quesadillas from the leftover steak from our philly cheesesteaks last night.
Then from the pictures on FB from this past weekend and my wetsuit experience I decided it was time to get back in gear, so I went to work out down stairs. Then I tried to get in the steam room but couldn't get it to work. So I will have to figure it out. Well time to try to clean and then get to bed!
Finished my thank-you cards finally, if you haven't gotten yours it will be in the mail!
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