Leap Year
Hello Blog Readers-- Remember me! I am trying to get back into this so bare with me :) Happy Leap Day, this extra day concept boggles the mind when you really think about it, In reality isn't today all the March 1st's Birthdays... aren't all of our birthdays now a day earlier. I may celebrate mine on May 6th this year. A little catch up: Zach is working his little booty off to graduate in May, I am so proud of his hard work, I know that with the Bar coming up in July there is much more studying still to come. I am also still working a lot in my event planning world, it is our very busy time of the season. We have some incredible events coming up so stay tuned and I will share some photos. Zach and I are working to live in a budget, this is not something that either of us have had much success with, but after a visit from some friends, we finally decided to really try it out and stick with it. So tomorrow starts the first full month, but we did it for half of Febru...